Illustrations are an awesome communication tool with some serious superpowers. ServiceNow allows me to infuse product and marketing work with their brand personality.
THE (G)OLD SAYING A picture is worth a thousand words. Illustrations are a versatile way to create a unique design. From hand drawn hero-style illustrations, to small icons, everything about a sketched image feels like art. In this article, I would like to review some of my experience with the functions of illustration from the perspective of modern UI design.
Do not read the menu to see your favorites, its up right there. For some experiences, it’s possible to convert a journey into a story in which the user will be a character, and the goal will be a final destination. Illustrations can act as a proxy between user and app by engaging users in the experience.
MORE MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE To create a memorable experience, I always feel it's must to learn how human brains accept the visuals rather reading static content. In other words, when we remember experiences, we tend to recall not entire experience but only key events that happened. A pleasant illustration is an opportunity to become such key event and increase brand awareness.
Obviously, in all my recent projects illustrations are taking it's own space and those are very helpful in interfaces: they liven up the general process, catch up user’s attention, become the memorable element, and most of the time it creates important support for a stylistic concept and make the illusion of direct communication with the user.